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Use cycling to lose weight

Published on 2/5/2020

Use cycling to lose weight

I have been on this journey since last September (2019) with a ways to go. The changes I have made will need to be lifelong, not just for a year or two. The photo here is of me on September 7, 2019 on a BBC Coffee Ride.
Jeff Quandt, September 7, 2019 at Roast Coffee in Arksarben with the BBC Coffee Ride

For those looking to lose some weight and use cycling to do so, I have a message that point 1 in the article reinforced; exercise alone will not do it. I rode more than ever before last summer and never shed a pound. It wasn't until I did the following three things...

  1. Change your thinking of how you "see" yourself. It takes a mindshift that will get your started. Then you need to seek the helpful aids, whatever they are, to keep you encouraged and on track towards your goals.
  2. Watch what you eat. Calorie intake has to be monitored. It may not be what you are used to, but if this doesn't change, you will not reach your goals. After a few weeks, your habits will change and it will be easier to stick to it.
  3. Exercise. My choice is cycling, supplemented with strength training. I rode more miles than ever before in 2019. I set a stretch goal for this year and will stay focused to reach it.

This article provides additional ideas that I will incorporate in my rides to help me continue to reach my weight loss goals.

Stay encouraged. #pedalon #omahaconnectride #omahacycling #bellevuebikeclub