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February Club Meeting - New Location

Published on 1/29/2020

Club Meeting Location Update

January 2020

By Jeff Quandt
Club President 2020

Just to let everyone know we, the Board, have looked into moving the location for the Club Member Meetings to a more central location in Sarpy County. Maybe this would spur increased attendance.

This move was started prior to my election as president. The thought here was to test out location in Papillion to perhaps increase attendance.  More than half of the current membership does not live in Bellevue, myself included.  Again, that was not the determining factor in relocation as discussions on this started last year.

I personally have checked Ollie and Hobbes and the Sump Library. 

Ollie and Hobbes, does not have a private meeting space, but can segregate an area for meetings. There are minimum food and beverage purchase requirements starting at $250 for 25 people. 

The Sump Memorial Library has three meeting spaces; 8, 18, and 40 people. 

Since we generally have around 10-15 people attend a meeting, using Ollie and Hobbes, did not make economic sense. Although, should number rise and there is some desire for food and refreshments, this might be a good location.

Richmont Village is still a good meeting space and we are certainly grateful to the Sanders’ to allow the BBC to meet there. There have been only minor issues with access to the building. The February Board Meeting will still be at Richmont Village.

The February meeting will be at Sump Memorial Library

The library offers free meeting space, but the parking may become an issue. We will need to test this out. 

Bottom line, using a term I used as a Scout Leader and Trainer, there will be “Rigid Flexibility” when it comes to the meeting space. I and the rest of the Board are open to any additional ideas where we might be able to get some meeting space for the general member meeting.  If there is dining potential at the establishment, even better, if, they don’t have too high a minimum charge. We are certainly open to hearing any suggestions from the members.
