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Registration Info
Registration is not Required
Our annual Spring Kick-Off fundraising event is almost here! Next Saturday, April 27th, we invite you to join us at the Izaak Walton (Ike's Place) south of Shenandoah, at the intersection of Highway 2 and the Wabash Trace. This is a great opportunity for folks to get out and experience the southern end of the trail. Ike's Place is a short ride (~5 miles) from Shenandoah, or you can drive to Ike's and ride south to the Tarkio Creek Bridge (~3.5 miles ea. way), Coin (~7 miles ea. way), or all the way to the border at Blanchard (~12 miles ea. way)!
About this event
This is not an official club event.
Our annual Spring Kick-Off Event will be held on the south end of the Trail this year, at the Izaak Walton! Drive, ride your bike, run, or walk (weather permitting). We will be collecting some great Live and Silent Auction Items, plenty of food, and lots of fun! Bring your checkbook, remember this is also a fundraiser for the trail!
Social hour will begin at 5:30, with Dinner starting at 6:30 and Awards/Live Auction starting at 7:30!