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HomeEventsLet's Go Ride the Steamboat Trace

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Let's Go Ride the Steamboat Trace

Date and Time

Saturday, April 20, 2024, 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-06:00)


Peru Depot Trailhead
306 5th St
Peru, NE  68421

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About this event

We didn’t get a chance to dedicate the repair stand on the Steamboat Trace Trail last year because of the Hopken Vortex, so we’ll plan for a sunny spring day in Peru in April.
You can ride any or all of the 40 miles of the Steamboat Trace Trail, or journey off on some gravel for a route of around 50 miles.
This is a very low key, show and go, social ride. While there could a sighting of “The Better Hopken”, please plan on being responsible for yourself.
There is a grocery store and restaurant in Peru as well as a coffee and ice cream shop in Brownsville.
Routes are tentative. We may update the gravel routes south of Peru to add in a cemetery or two if weather allows.
Steamboat Trace Trail only, 39 miles.
Gravel: Dry, 48 miles.
Kind of Dry Gravel, 49 miles: