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HomeEventsLouisville Classic Gravel Grinder

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Louisville Classic Gravel Grinder

Date and Time

Saturday, April 6, 2024, 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-06:00)


Lilac Hill Event Center
14704 156th St.
Louisville, NE  68037

Additional Info


Club Calendar

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

Not a club event.
There is great support from the City of Louisville and local businesses, especially Copple Chevrolet GMC ( To say thanks and to add a little fun, we will begin the race with a non-timed neutral rollout from downtown Louisville.
Copple Chevrolet GMC will have a neutral pace vehicle that will lead us out from their gravel lot near South Depot Street & Main Street (
Both the 50k and 100k distances will have a mass start together. The neutral rollout is 1 mile in distance and will give riders an opportunity to slot into a comfortable position before the passing through the start/finish arch and the first big climb of the day!
Official timing starts when you pass through the arch. You'll finish at Lilac Hill Event Center ( when you pass through the arch again.
This does mean that you'll want to give yourself at least 10 minutes to take a nice leisurely spin back to town if you're parked at Lilac Hill. Look for more details coming soon about parking at Lilac Hill and other locations!